5 Minute Credit Repair

Fixing Your Credit Should Be Easy

And Now It Is!



Providing you with the Tools to Fix your own Credit.


We Empower You With The WHAT, The WHY & The HOW To Fix Your Credit.

The Automator

With Our One Of A Kind Automator, You Can Generate Your Letters in 60 seconds or Less!


Who Said Fixing Your Credit Should Be Done Alone? Our Social Community is Here To Support.

New Features

Our Team is Committed To Creating New Features That Make Your Credit Fixing Experience Easier.

Our Business Model is Pretty Simple.

Most companies typically offer to review your credit reports and address any negative items that they can with the credit bureaus on your behalf…It’s not difficult to do most of these things on your own.

Learn Knowledge

We Literally Tell You What, When, Why and Finally How To Send Each Respective Letter.

Use The Automator

Now That You’re Equipped With The Knowledge. Select a Particular Letter To Send To The Creditors/Credit Bureaus.
Input Your Personal Information. Then The Automator Will Generate Your Letter.

Send Your Letters

Finally Export Your Letters into PDF Format and Mail Them Out.


Our Price is Simple Too!

We Like to keep things simple around here.