Business Coaching and Home Based Businesses
When it comes to business coaching, many coaches specialize in small to medium sized companies. Those with experience in executive settings, assist large corporations. Regardless of the specialty, there is money to be made. But, many business coaches are failing to change with the times. Many do not realize the potential of home based businesses, but you can and should. As you know, home based businesses come in a number of formats. For example, a mom may run a daycare out of her home, a dad may make handmade toys to sell from home, or a cosmetologist may run an in-home salon out of the garage or basement. In terms…
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The Importance of Flexibility For Success
A lot of people will tell you that it is important for you to plan every single detail of the process that you need to take in order to realize your goal. And while this may be true to some degree, and planning can be an essential step of creating a successful business venture, or any other successful goal for that matter, sometimes, being too rigid about the way you are going about accomplishing that goal can actually be limiting rather than helpful. Being successful means being able to survive in the face of adversity. And survival of the fittest generally depends upon the ability to adapt. Animals in nature,…
6 Simple Steps for Finding Your True Purpose
If you have yet to find your true life’s purpose yet, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It doesn’t mean a failing on your part; it merely says that you’ve been busy taking care of other important things. Just like cultivating your inner creative, finding your true purpose in life is going to take some time and reflection. Here are six simple steps that you can start to take today to help you find your true life’s purpose. Pay Attention to What Interests You Do you enjoy watching a lot of science fiction movies? Do you find yourself doodling during downtime and at meetings? Whatever it is, you’re drawn to…
6 Tips for Finding Your True Passion in Life
There comes the point in everyone’s life when they feel the intense urge to find your passion. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to see, and many of us become frustrated because we aren’t where we genuinely want to be in our lives. If you feel frustrated by not being able to find your passion, here are seven useful tips to help you figure out your passion. Do Many Things While it may feel a bit overwhelming to have a lot of interests, it is one of the most crucial steps to figuring things out. It is much better to have a lot of options and interests than none at all.…
Best Tips to Help You Discover Your Life’s Purpose
It is critical for you to learn how to find your passion and life purpose if you want to live a fulfilled, happy, and content life and experience inner peace. Without a life purpose as a guide, your goals and actions may not end up fulfilling you. Here are the best tips to help you discover your passion and true purpose in life. Do What Comes Easy for You To create the life you want, you have to uncover the deep and meaningful purpose you were born with. You can start to discover your passion by exploring what you love to do and what comes quickly to you. While you…
Easy Visualization Techniques to Help You Find Your True Purpose in Life
When it comes to finding your true life’s purpose, the key to achieving what you want may lie in your ability to utilize visualization to achieve it. Knowing how to visualize the outcome that you desire will help you become a stronger, happier, and more effective person and help you find your true life’s purpose. Here are three easy visualization techniques to help you reach your goals. Treasure Map Technique This visualization technique uses both a physical component as well as the obvious mental one. The first thing that you need to do is to think of something that you would like to achieve. Begin by drawing a physical representation…
How to Achieve Your Goals Using Visualization
When it comes to awakening your true calling, success begins with a goal. Big or small, goals will give you some purpose and keep you headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, for many of us, we remain stuck at the goal stage. We begin with good intentions, but then we can’t seem to make it happen. Before we can believe in a goal that we’ve set for ourselves, we first need to have an idea of what the goal looks like. Seeing is Believing This is where visualization comes in, which is nothing more than a technique for creating a mental image of a future event. When we visualize that…
Top Mistakes to Avoid When Following Your Passion
Life is all about deciding to follow your passion,but sometimes the journey can be overwhelming. Following your passion means taking responsibility for your path in life. The tendency is to want to ‘get it right' on the first try and not make any mistakes. Unfortunately, this never happens. When you try to control a situation, it is usually out of fear, which you may not be aware that you have. Doing things out of fear usually ends in unintended, less than optimal results. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when following their passion and how to avoid them.The Perfection TrapWhen you are pursuing your dreams, you…
Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Day Job Just Yet
You’ve had your side hustle going on for a few months now and you’re looking to quit your job and focus on your hustle. But, is it a good idea? Are you really ready to take the plunge? Make no mistake, we’re all for entrepreneurship, but analyze your situation first and see if you’re making the right decision. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t quit your day job just yet. Your Side Hustle Income Hasn’t Replaced Your Day Job Income Yet You really shouldn’t quit your job if your side hustle isn’t even generating enough profit yet. You don’t want to lose your main source of income now, do…