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    Optimism,  Self Help

    6 Ways to Cultivate Optimism Each Day

    You might be surprised to hear that optimism is not an innate quality. Optimism and pessimism are ways of looking at yourself and the world through a positive or negative filter. Once you think of them as reflections of your mindset, it becomes much easier to believe you can change. Like any new behavior, you need to practice every day for it to become a habit. Try these six suggestions to cultivate your optimism every day. 1. Keep a journal Journaling or keeping a diary allows you to process events and to get a different perspective on them. It encourages self-reflection and captures insights into your thinking and behavior. You…

  • Shalita Heard life coach business coach for black women
    Self Help

    How to Think Positively to Achieve Success

    A lot of cynical people believe that thinking positively is a crock. How is it possible that being obnoxiously optimistic is going to provide you with the tools that you need to become successful? No matter what you think it isn’t going to change the world around you, right? While that may be true, thinking positively has been proven in studies to change your mind and body for the better and help you to recognize the opportunities around you. Whether you want to believe that blind optimism is the key to success or not, there is little dispute that being a positive thinker enhances your quality of life and makes…