5 Tips for Staying Calm When Success is Uncertain
You might wonder how successful people do it.
How do they stay the course when they don’t know if they will achieve their goal? How do they know when it’s worth persevering?
Researchers have found that the capacity to stay calm under pressure has a direct effect on your performance. In other words, being able to manage your emotions and stay calm under stress is a predictor of success. Managing stress is not an innate skill, its one that anyone can learn.
Here are five tips on learning to stay calm under pressure.
1. Keep your self-talk positive
One of the best thing you can do to stay calm and in control is to manage your mindset. Positive thoughts and self-talk keep you focused on taking action and your energy high.
2. Take time out for yourself
Self-care is crucial for managing stress. Despite the 21st century expectation that you should be available 24/7, it’s incredibly important that you step away from your computer and smartphone and refill the cup of you. Go outside and take a walk in nature, prioritize me-time in your schedule for yoga, meditation, massages, movies or dinner-dates.
Looking after yourself is not optional. You need a balance of sleep, rest, exercise and work to be able to perform at your best.
3. Don’t waste time worrying
Worrying without doing is a waste of time. Being anxious about the future erodes your self-confidence and motivation. It will distract you from your big goal. Take control and put that energy into planning and prioritizing what and when you need to do things. Take things one step at a time.
4. Take the long view
It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks. But you should always be able to see where your small steps are taking you. Make sure that everything you do has a clear line of view to your main goal.
Keeping your eye on the prize will also help you deal with the small frustrations and setbacks that are bound to happen. Mistakes won’t look so disastrous when looked on in the context of the successes and missteps along the way!
5. Have a support network
You need a cheer squad to support you through good times and bad. They’ll help you celebrate the successes and commiserate when there are setbacks. And if you feel overwhelmed, you can delegate or seek advice. You don’t have to do this by yourself.