7 Things People Who Believe in Themselves Do Differently
What is about people who believe in themselves? We see it in the way they carry themselves, in the way they converse with others, and in the things they accomplish. Self-belief in action is an amazing thing to see, and something everyone should aspire to. At the same time, we very quickly become intimidated by this kind of change. It seems like it would be hard to change how you think and feel about yourself. We tend to stall out before we begin because it seems like only ‘special’ people are going to get ‘there.’ But is that true? A closer examination shows us otherwise. In fact, you’ll find people…
5 Brain Hacks to Build Your Belief in Yourself
There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you want. We find ourselves caught up in a slew of obligations involving everything from work to taking care of our families. In the end, who has time to better themselves? Or are there enough hours after all? If your self-belief is dragging, the last thing you need is to put yourself on the back burner. Why? Because you need self-belief if you’re going to succeed in your life. Thankfully, there’s help. Keep reading to discover five brain hacks guaranteed to build your belief in yourself, without taking up a lot of your extra time. Affirmations You’ve probably already…
4 Ways to Better Balance
4 No-nonsense Ways to have a Better Work-Life Balance There’s a growing number of people struggling with their work-life balance. A large percentage of American workers feel their job demands that they should be available 24/7 since they can check in from anywhere using their smartphone. This type of constant availability takes a toll on both a person’s mental and physical health. Humans need to socialize, relax, and care for themselves to stay happy and healthy. Here are four simple ways to improve your work-life balance: 1) Unplug It’s easier said than done, we know, but avoid checking your phone for work matters after hours. This constant checking may have…
5 Reasons Why Change is Good for Us
Sometimes change can feel a bit scary. After all, it’s not called your Comfort Zone for nothing! But change is inevitable and even necessary if you are to learn and grow and get the most out of life. Here are five reasons why you should embrace change. 1. Change makes you grow Change is necessary for growth, in fact, growth is impossible without change! You can choose to stay safely in your familiar routine, but if you do, you’ll be missing out on all life has to offer. The challenge of a new job or moving to a different city might be uncomfortable, especially at first. But it’s guaranteed that…