7 Unique Approaches to Boosting Your Self-Belief
When you lack self-belief, life is hard. Everything seems to take more effort. Success always feels just out of reach. It’s not unusual to think others have it easier-have more luck, more talent, and more opportunity than you ever will. What if you realized every one of those things would be yours for the taking, so long as you had the self-belief to get you there? A lack of self-belief is what keeps us from living a life without limits. It’s not luck but the intentional practice which points us towards success. Worried you’re not feeling it? You can begin with these unique practices to boost your self-belief. Ask Who…
How to Stay Motivated During Adversity
You know those days when it seems like everything that can go wrong does go wrong. You sleep through your alarm, don’t have time for breakfast, miss your bus, get to work late, and things go downhill from there. Or it’s more than a bad day. You’ve had bad news, the bills are coming in, and you don’t know what’s coming next. It’s easy to stay motivated and energized when things are going well, but what about when times are tough? How do you keep going when things are looking grim? These are the times when you have a clear choice about how to react. You can bury your head…
Six Ways to Keep Adversity from Keeping You Down
Sometimes life seems to go downhill fast. Whether you’re naturally an optimist or a pessimist, your world can change for the worse in ways you can’t ignore. You may lose your job, lose your friend or family, have a health scare, be bullied or disliked, or the goal you’re aiming for may disappear before you can reach it. Or there may simply never be enough money to keep you and your family safe and happy. Adversity can drain your will. That makes it harder and harder to change what you can change, accept what you can’t change, and to know the difference between the two. Here are six ways to…
Ways Naysayers Can Actually Help You Succeed
You might think that having negative people around you would be demotivating. And it’s true that having a positive support network around you will help you succeed. But you can bet your life that there will be naysayers casting doubt on your dreams, so why not take that energy and turn it around? Find out how to use those doom and gloom merchants to spur you on to greater success. 1. Use them as inspiration Proving the doubters wrong can be a powerful motivation to get off the sofa and into action. There’s nothing like an “I’ll show them” attitude to energize you and make you focus on your goal.…
4 Ways to Rebuild Confidence After a Big Setback
It can and does happen to anyone. One minute you’re flying, everything’s going well, and you feel great! Then something happens. A setback. A rejection. A failure. How do you pick yourself up and put your confidence back together after something goes badly wrong? Here are some things you can do to rebuild your self-worth and get that spring back in your step. 1. Acceptance Accept that things sometimes happen. A health scare, a bad investment, a big sale that falls through, a relationship breakdown. Whatever your setback, you can be sure that other people have been there before you. And it’s not likely to be the end of the…