Boost Your Self-Belief with Tips from the World’s Most Successful People
How do you get to the top? When you look at the world’s most successful people, what do you see? Was Oprah just lucky? How about Bill Gates or Elon Musk? Believe it or not, regardless of whether you’re looking at a celebrity, sports star, or tech billionaire, you’re going to see one thing in common: Every last success story is rooted first in a strong self-belief. Your belief about yourself is what fuels you. It has the ability to set you apart from the rest of the world. When you feel like a success inside, this is where you become a success on the outside. More than anything else,…
The 4 Roadblocks To Success When Building An Online Business
Today I want to talk about the 4 main roadblocks that prevent success in the online business world. As you read through, I think you will notice that these roadblocks really apply to all areas of life and so you can think about this as a life lesson as much as it is a business lesson… Roadblock #1 – The Permission Trap People tend to wait for permission to do things in life. Not just in their online business but in general. Many of us were conditioned to not “stray too far off the beaten path.” To avoid conflict. To avoid doing things that might upset others or get us…
4 Ways to Better Balance
4 No-nonsense Ways to have a Better Work-Life Balance There’s a growing number of people struggling with their work-life balance. A large percentage of American workers feel their job demands that they should be available 24/7 since they can check in from anywhere using their smartphone. This type of constant availability takes a toll on both a person’s mental and physical health. Humans need to socialize, relax, and care for themselves to stay happy and healthy. Here are four simple ways to improve your work-life balance: 1) Unplug It’s easier said than done, we know, but avoid checking your phone for work matters after hours. This constant checking may have…
6 Ways Failure is Just as Important as Success
No one likes to fail. It feels bad. You might feel like giving up or blaming someone else or beating yourself up. But you might be surprised to hear that many successful people are not just grateful for their past failures, but they ascribe their present success to having tried and failed in the past. Here are six reasons to embrace your failures. 1. Failures are opportunities To see failure as an opportunity is not putting a Pollyanna spin on reality. It’s accepting that everyone fails, and you can choose to learn from your mistakes, or you can stay stuck in them. Successful people see mistakes as an opportunity to…
3 Ways to Use Failure to Fuel Future Success
You might be surprised to hear that failure is an important ingredient of success. It sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Who wants to put in all those hours of effort, all that investment and energy and enthusiasm, and then fail to fail? Surely success is the name of the game? But stop and think about it just for a minute. Sure, everyone wants to succeed, everyone wants to achieve the goals they set for themselves. After all, that’s the whole point! But if you look back over your success and failures, how often did you make a mistake? How many times did it take before you mastered a new skill? Guaranteed…
Six Ways to Keep Adversity from Keeping You Down
Sometimes life seems to go downhill fast. Whether you’re naturally an optimist or a pessimist, your world can change for the worse in ways you can’t ignore. You may lose your job, lose your friend or family, have a health scare, be bullied or disliked, or the goal you’re aiming for may disappear before you can reach it. Or there may simply never be enough money to keep you and your family safe and happy. Adversity can drain your will. That makes it harder and harder to change what you can change, accept what you can’t change, and to know the difference between the two. Here are six ways to…
How to Plan Differently to Improve Your Chances of Success
You might think that having a plan is enough to guarantee success. After all, you’ve set your goal, some milestones, you’re committed. Surely that’s enough. Well, no, in reality having a plan by itself is not enough. Think back over all those New Year’s resolutions you’ve made. How many did you see through to success? Have you ever been on a diet? Or decided to get fit and start running, or join a gym? Robbie Burns knew what he was talking about when he wrote ‘the best-laid plans of mice and men, often go astray.’ That poem is about a mother mouse having her supposedly safe cozy nest destroyed by…
4 Lessons for Reframing Failure to Bring On Success
You might be surprised to hear the best thing you can do about failure is embrace it. If your presentation bombed or you didn’t get that promotion, or your big sale fell through, or you flunked that exam, embracing your failure is probably the last thing you want to do. But take it from experts, the key to success is learning to reframe failure. Consider these four lessons. 1. Failure is an opportunity to learn You cannot learn without making mistakes. No one learns a new skill right off the bat. It just doesn’t happen. Remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? You had to fall off a certain…
5 Tips for Staying Calm When Success is Uncertain
You might wonder how successful people do it. How do they stay the course when they don’t know if they will achieve their goal? How do they know when it’s worth persevering? Researchers have found that the capacity to stay calm under pressure has a direct effect on your performance. In other words, being able to manage your emotions and stay calm under stress is a predictor of success. Managing stress is not an innate skill, its one that anyone can learn. Here are five tips on learning to stay calm under pressure. 1. Keep your self-talk positive One of the best thing you can do to stay calm and…
How To Become A Successful Business Coach
If you want to start a career as a business coach, you are in luck. Unfortunately, todayís economy is in trouble. Consumers are reducing their spending and some businesses are finding it difficult to stay afloat. These are usually small to medium sized businesses. Since the industry needs a professional like you, you are already at an advantage. There are, however, ways that you can improve your chances of success. What are they? A lot easier than you might think. Be polite. When working as a business coach, you must first analyze a business. You examine their profits to see how short they are falling short. Look at their marketing…